Even a Little Success
Shortly after winning the Oscar for Best Song, musician Glen Hansard got to spend an evening hanging out with Bruce Springsteen. (This is what happens to little known Irish singer-songwriters after winning Best Song Oscars.) Springsteen offered the new-to-fame troubadour a little advice. He said, Never forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small or unimportant they may seem to you at the time. You have to pop open that champagne or go out for a fancy dinner. Otherwise everyday is just a drudge.
In that vein, while Bruce and I have yet to spend an evening, I'm taking my family for a good steak dinner. A mere hop skip from Oscar level, I'm proud to announce the publication of my first short story "Last Train to Takarazuka" in the spring 2013 issue of Prism International.
Ten years in the making. Ten thousand hours indeed, Mr. Gladwell.
Fuck. Phew. Hallelujah.
Onwards and upwards.