That book I mentioned, that I was about to review, it's been late in coming.
First a rough draft went missing (argh in the extreme), then a major deadline for a big grant came up that I was and am not nearly prepared for but would be crazy not to apply for anyway. On top of that ... well, I won't bore you with my personal life. We're all busy. But if you find the time to read - the desire to read - I promise, I'll be back next week. With a book. For you. And you. And you.OK, maybe not all of you. But most of yous.
In the meantime, a picture of a delicious salad:
What? It's the best I can do. The picture, I mean. Not the salad. I make a decent salad, but not as good as what Terroni on Queen St can do. But then, when half your salad is a good salty cheese, it ain't all that hard to impress, is it? Is it?